Recruitment AI

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A multilingual resume parser helps you stay relevant in a global world.

Expand Your Reach with a Multilingual Resume Parser

4 Minutes
A multilingual resume parser has the potential to help you expand your reach, diversify your workforce, and become more relevant in your place of service.
Resume redaction software is the easiest way to get a well-qualified, fully diverse team together.

Resume Redaction Software for Bias-Free Recruiting

3 Minutes
Diversity is more than a catchphrase; it can increase productivity, reduce groupthink, and help your company beat any competition. But what is the secret to a diverse, well-qualified workforce? What you need is resume redaction software.
Setting up a system to extract skills from a resume using python doesn't have to be hard.

Here's How to Extract Skills from a Resume Using Python

3 Minutes
There are many ways to extract skills from a resume using python. We'll look at three here.
Automated resume screening software can be transformational for your HR team.

Top Automated Resume Screening Software Hacks

3 Minutes
Automated Resume Screening Software is more than just an easy way to comb through resumes. Here's how you can make the most out of this cutting-edge AI tool.
What is Resume Parsing?

What Is Resume Parsing and Why Is It a Must in 2022?

6 Minutes
What is resume parsing? It's a process of extracting candidate info from CVs. It's industry standard and you need to be on top of it in 2022.
Parsing resumes is easy if you've got AI working for you.

Parsing Resumes the Easy Way

3 Minutes
Parsing resumes becomes simple if you've got the right software: AI based parsing tools that do all the work for you.
Is resume parsing software the missing ingredient?

Resume Parsing Software to Jumpstart Your Recruitment Process

4 Minutes
Is resume parsing software the missing ingredient for a happily productive HR office? Here's our argument.
With AI resume screening, hiring is a completely different ball game.

Everything You Need to Know About AI Resume Screening for Hiring Agencies

4 Minutes
What is AI Resume Screening, and why do you need it? What are the benefits, and is it worth it for your hiring agency? Here are your answers.
A CV parser can automate every part of the hiring process.

Why You Need a CV Parser

3 Minutes
What is a CV parser, and why should it top the list of essential software for every HR or hiring department? Here's the down-low.
Match candidates with roles using automated resume screening

Integrating Automated Resume Screening Software into Your ATS

6 Minutes
Automated resume screening for your ATS enables you to match qualified candidates with the roles that fit them perfectly - no guesswork is required.
The Best CV Extraction Tool for Recruitment Agencies

The Best CV Extraction Tool for Recruitment Agencies

4 minutes
As a recruitment agency, a well curated candidate database may be one of your biggest assets, and there's no better way to create one than with a CV extraction tool.
Anonymize Resumes with Affinda's CV-processing tools

How to Anonymize Resumes

4 Minutes
If you’ve ever heard of blind recruitment and wondered what this means or why a business would do it, this article is for you. Learn how to anonymize resumes and why so many organisations are now doing this to improve their recruitment processes.
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