Resume Parser: Recruitment Boost upgrades their ATS and CRM platform for more accurate candidate matching

Resume Parser: Recruitment Boost upgrades their ATS and CRM platform for more accurate candidate matching

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  • 150,000+ resumes processed each year
  • Highly accurate data extraction to deliver better candidate matching
  • Flexible usage-based pricing model to accommodate varying demand
May 13, 2023
3 Minutes

Recruitment Boost is an innovative ATS and CRM platform that helps recruiters easily find and place candidates. The platform processes more than 150,000 resumes annually and offers several features, such as AI-powered candidate matching.

Recruitment Boost's challenge

Recruitment Boost was experiencing issues with the accuracy of its previous resume parsing provider in its downstream candidate matching processes, and the pricing model didn't account for seasonal fluctuations in resume volume.

It wanted a resume parsing solution that had high accuracy, integrated seamlessly with its platform, and had a fit-for-purpose pricing model.


After conducting a thorough evaluation, Recruitment Boost found Affinda's solution to be the most accurate and best suited to its business needs.

"We undertook extensive research to find an accurate and responsive resume parser and found that Affinda was the clear leader."
- Dennis Zabal, Business Development Manager at Recruitment Boost

The set up and implementation took a matter of days, and free usage during the trial period made the transition to Affinda seamless and efficient. Ongoing maintenance is simple, and the Affinda service is highly reliable and responsive.


18 months after integrating Affinda’s solution with its ATS / CRM platform, Recruitment Boost found that:

  • Accuracy of data extraction from resumes is world-class and continuously improving
  • Improved data quality leads to better candidate matching on the platform, driving more placements for Recruitment Boost’s customers
  • Flexible annual usage model means that demand fluctuations are balanced acrossthe year

“The Primary benefit of our partnership is that if we have any questions, Affinda is always available and open to having a discussion and will suggest and implement changes where possible to make it work."
- Jason Lopez, CEO, Recruitment Boost

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